Monday, June 04, 2007

Getting your house in summer shape

I thought this was an interesting article as I was reading online this morning. We were without Internet access for 4 days last week! We are not happy with Time Warner as it took 4 days for them to come out and tell us what we already knew - our modem was shot. Since my husband works from home as a software consultant, not having e-mail or Internet access was a real pain. Unfortunately, we don't have much choice, which is surprising to me living in the second fastest growing city in the country!

Here was the article, listing tips that most of us know, but it never hurts to get a reminder.

Speaking of reminders, since I am not getting Flylady every day (I signed up for the digest format), I need to be on the ball to keep on top of cleaning. Here is the Sneak Peek of the Week.

As well as the weekly home blessing and other routines. I try to start on Monday to get my house ready for the week.

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