Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Inspiration hits

I haven't been feeling very inspired lately, hence the lack of posts. I guess if I knew I had a million readers, I would post more often. :-) You can always post comments to let me know you like what I write. hint, hint

OK - I am always on the computer, so I thought to myself "Self, why don't you post funny or interesting things that you read?"

This is a girl after my own heart and she had some really good ideas. I guess she was on Rachael Ray's show, but I don't watch it, so I don't know. I was reading a review of her new book Spinster Sisters and saw this link to a video she had done.


Katie said...

I read your blog Laurie! It entertains me!

Michelle said...

Hey Laurie - I keep up on your blog too and enjoy reading about new recipes, etc! Don't lose steam! Keep posting!