Monday, April 23, 2007

Top 10 tips

I am somewhat of a Crunchy Conservative (thought that term was a hoot). What I really am is a gal who likes to save money (so I can buy more lip gloss!). Cleaning products are expensive, and I really like the idea of using non-toxic cleaners that save money, as they are cheap to make.

I found this site the other day, click on the heading "Top 10 Tips" as it is a link. I haven't tried these yet, but thought they were interesting. If you do, let us know how they work.

Top 10 Tips
1. Windows, Mirrors: Spray with mixture of 1/4 c. white vinegar, one quart water & a drop of dish soap.

2. Countertops, porcelain: Scrub with paste of baking soda, water, drop of liquid soap. Disinfect with hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine bleach.

3. Oven: Coat with paste of baking soda, washing soda, water, white vinegar. Leave overnight; wipe out with rags.

4. Floors: Mop with 1/2 c. white vinegar and 1/8 c. liquid soap in 2 gallons hot water.

5. Rags, known as “chiffons” to the French, are Riches: Pick up dust with damp rags; wrap an old t-shirt around a push broom to damp dust/mop. Wash and reuse rags–they just get better!

6. Clean and polish wood with a mix of vegetable oil, essential oil of lemon, thyme, eucalyptus or your fave, and beeswax.

7. Toilet: Scrub with baking soda; wipe seat with white vinegar

8. Laundry: presoak stained cloth in 1/4 c. lemon juice, washing soda or borax in gallon of water.

9. Add 1/4 c. baking soda or white vinegar to wash cycle to soften fabric

10. Choose fragrance-free laundry soaps to prevent asthmatic and allergic reactions and skin/eye irritation.

I haven't really checked out his site, but I thought this was an interesting Christian perspective on personal stewardship. I don't buy into the current panic mode, but I do think as believers, we are called to be the best stewards of what God had given us and being mindless consumers is not the way in my opinion. Especially when we can save money with alternatives. I don't know that I could do what this doctor did, but their electricity bill is something crazy like $20 a month!

This is the article I read about him that really got me thinking:

While I don't think I could do everything he did, I can make small changes and save money in the process.

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