Friday, May 11, 2007


Going to help a friend take her 3 little ones to the doctor today, so I don't have a lot of time to write witty prose. I thought I would share this e-mail from www.greenerpenny about Wrapsacks. What a cute and clever idea. I LOVE gift wrap, but hate the waste involved. I think that is why gift bags have become so popular as you can regift in them.

Helpful hint - check out your nearest dollar store for cute gift bags. My 99cent store has them 2 for a $1. Cards are usually 2 for a $1 too. Now that I am semi-making my own, I am looking for cute blank cards and I will personalize the middle with fonts and blank flat cards.

Bright cotton bags that can be reused for gift or tote bags -

Organic Cotton Gift Bags -

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